
Economics and Sociology

eISSN: 2071-789X
pISSN: 2306-3459
Frequency: Half Yearly
Indexing: Scopus
Publisher: Centre of Sociological Research ( P29)

Vol No: 17, Issue No. 1, Issue No. 1 -2024

Impact of episodes of regime transformation on subjective well-being: A panel event study

Prati, G.


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Material and social deprivation in the European Union: Country-level analysis

Sedefoğlu, G., & Dudek, H.


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Job satisfaction in the armed forces: Differences among ranks

Gargallo-Castel, A. F., & Marzo-Navarro, M.


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What about my future career after the pandemic? SARS-CoV-2 and distance learning in the evaluation of future professional opportunities

Kołodziej, A., & Kołodziej-Durnaś, A.


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Three-dimensional model of financial resilience in workers: Structural equation modeling and bayesian analysis

Flores, M., Zamora-Lobato, T. & García-Santillán, A.


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The role of institutional quality in reducing environmental degradation in Canada

Mukhtarov, S., Aliyev, J., Jabiyev, F., & Aslan, D. H.


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Effect of home care activities on labor participation in a developing country

Fajardo Hoyos, C. L., & Mora Rodríguez, J. J.


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Determining factors that influence job expectations of university students in the agri-food and biosystems area

Benito-Hernández, S., López-Cózar-Navarro, C., & Priede-Bergamini, T.


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Hospital distribution in Polish provinces as a factor of smart living

Wolniak, R.


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Women’s tendency in work involvement: A study of female labour force in Indonesia

Susilo, Yuniashri, E., & Handrito, R. P.


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Vol No: 16, Issue No. 1, Issue No. 1

Incarceration experience at older ages. Does employment protect against recidivism?

Błędowski, P., Felczak, J., Gałecka-Burdziak, E., & Góra, M.


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The power of the place we live: What roles do home and the community play in well-being?

Lőrincz, K., Kiss, K., & Banász, Zs.


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Is there happiness in money? An attitudinal study of native Lithuanian speakers

Kačerauskas, T., & Valantinaitė, I.


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Returns to human capital in a developing country: A pseudo-panel approach for Colombia

Mora, J. J., & Herrera, D. Y., Alvarez, J. F.., & Arroyo, J. S.


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Gender gap decomposition in employment rate of young people

Colom Andrés, M. C., & Molés Machí, M. C.


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Sustainable e-commerce and environmental impact on sustainability

Oláh, J., Popp, J., Khan, M. A., & Kitukutha, N.


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High unemployment, disrupted economic growth and sustainable development goals: Analyzing unemployment reduction

Tjahjanto, H., Tuhana, T., Mafruhah, I., Istiqomah, N., & Ismoyowati, D.


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Willingness to pay for sustainable hotel services as a perspective of pro-environmental behaviors of hotel guests

Puciato, D., Szromek, A. R. & Bugdol, M.


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Relationship between gender equality, employees‘ perception of distributive justice and wellbeing in EU: The effect of gender and management position

Stelmokienė, A., Jarašiūnaitė-Fedosejeva, G., & Kravčenko, K.


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An effective distraction? Fantasy football during the times of COVID-19

Ghosh Dastidar, S., & Basu Roy, S.


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Vol No: 16, Issue No. 2, Issue No. 2 -2023

Causal agency and influences on transitional choices: Comparison of Croatian and Romanian youth

Kostelić, K., & Fleșeriu, C.


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Expectations of fulfilling the grandparent role in the context of maintaining professional activity. Analysis of an international survey

Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha, D., Załuska, U., Grześkowiak, A., & Peternek, P.


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The increase in the number of vehicles and the shortage of parking in Israel’s urban areas - economic and political factors

Cohen, E


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Driving sustainable and competitive transition in enterprise performance management and measurement: The changing role of women in the Japanese labour market

Blahová, M., Haghirian, P., Urbánek, T., & Pálka, P.


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Factors that influence domestic tourism demand: Evidence from Armenia

Tovmasyan, G.


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Viruses don't need a passport to affect labor markets – findings from a Polish-German study on combating unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic

Flessa, S., Porada-Rochoń, M., Kuntosch, J., & Rudawska, I


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Phenomena of precarity among young graduates – Hungarian case study

Fónai, M., & Fedor, A. R.


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Remote workplaces as a determinant of working conditions in education during COVID-19

Davidavićiene, V., Rymaniak, J., & Lis, K.


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Institutional quality and economic growth in the non-EU post-Soviet countries: Does energy abundance matter?

Gasimov, I., Jabiyev, F., & Asgarzade, G.


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The communication gap and the effect of self-perception on assessment of internal auditors‘ communication skills

Rydzak, W., Przybylska, J., Trębecki, J., & Sellito, M.A.


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Vol No: 16, Issue No. 3, Issue No. 3 - 2023

The role of culture and government adaptability in determining countries‘ economic performance

Shostya, A., Banai, M., & Saenz-Molina, J.


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Household consumption and indebtedness: Are there disparities between genders, rural–urban areas, and among income groups?

Wong, Z. Y., Kusairi, S., & Abdul Halim, Z.


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Age differences in adaption of persuasion strategies in advertising

Spasova, L.


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Financial literacy and retirement planning in Mexico

Hernández-Mejía, S., & Moreno-García, E.


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Employment effects of childcare availability: Evidence from European Union

Szüle, B.


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A new simple test to evaluate the efficiency of government spending

Abbasov, J.


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Why are rural communities reluctant to adopt the standard version of SROI?

pp.Mizutani, F.

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COVID 19 mortality as a reflection of the quality of health in EU countries

Stehlíková, B., Vincúrová, Z., Brezina, I., & Švihlíková, I.


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The effect of job insecurity on organizational trust during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from the aviation sector

Rodoplu Şahin, D., Aslan, M., & Cingöz, K. N.


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Home-based telework: aspects of communication. Evidence from Hungary

Konczos Szombathelyi, M., Borgulya, Á., & Balogh, G.


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Vol No: 16, Issue No. 4, Issue No. 4 - 2023

Relationships between leadership style and organizational commitment: The moderating role of the system of work

Łucjan, K., Szostek, D., Balcerzak, A.P., & Rogalska, E.


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South Korea’s economic revitalization strategy post COVID-19 pandemic

Yoon, D.


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The central banking system paradox

Espinosa, V.I., Alonso-Neira, M.A., & Huerta de Soto, J.


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Discovering the determinants of house prices dynamics in poland using bayesian model averaging

Trojanek, R., Gluszak, M., Kufel, P., & Trojanek, M.


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Do credit unions contribute to financial inclusion and local economic development? Empirical evidence from Poland

Náñez Alonso, S. L., Jorge-Vázquez, J., Sastre-Hernández, B., & Ziębicki, B.


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Identifying the envelope wages phenomenon based on LFS and SES data sets – evidence from Poland

Grabowski, W., & Korczak, K.


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Social capital in cooperatives: A typology and their influence on performance

García-Perez, A.M., Román-Cervantes, C., González-Dávila, E., & Yanes-Estévez, V.


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Predicting bankruptcy using artificial intelligence: The case of the engineering industry

Letkovsky, S., Jencova, S., Vasanicova, P., Gavura, S., & Bacik, R.


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The relationship assessment between human resources and innovation performance in EU countries

Masárová, J., & Ivanová, E.


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How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect net working capital in industrial production companies?

Grofčíková, J., Musa, H., & Streimikis, J.


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Vol No: 15, Issue No. 1, Issue No. 1

Does the gender composition of the board of directors have any effect on tax aggressiveness in western countries?

Cortellese, F.


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Social attitudes towards professional work of the 55+ generation. Comparative analysis of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary

Swadźba, U.


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Financial literacy and its relationship with sociodemographic variables

Hernández, S., García-Santillán, A., & Moreno-García, E.


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What determines the co-operatives‘ productivity in Indonesia? A-two stage analysis,en_what-determines-the-co-operatives%E2%80%98-productivity-in-indonesia-a-two-stage-analysis


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The importance of the leadership functions of a high-reliability health care organization in managing the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey

Sarihasan, I., Dajnoki, K., Oláh, J., & Al-Dalahmeh, M.


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Institutional trust and life satisfaction in selected Post-Soviet countries: The mediating role of 'perceived relative income'

Aliyev, K., Gasimov, I., & Eynalov, H.


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The necessary and sufficient conditions for retirement funding adequacy: A fuzzy set analysis

Zeka, B., & Veri, F.


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Differential effects of the lockdown on labour market outcomes. Evidence for an emerging economy

Astorquiza Bustos, B. A., Quintero Peña, J. W., & Ramos-Barrera, M. G.


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Are university management teams strategic stakeholders within higher education institutions? A clinical study

Moreno-Carmona, C., Feria-Domínguez, J. M., & Merinero-Rodríguez, R.


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How many worlds of welfare state attitudes are there? European experiences in a comparative perspective of cross-national survey research

Baranowski, M., & Jabkowski, P.


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Vol No: 15, Issue No. 2, Issue No. 2



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Collective resilience to meet the challenge of the global pandemic of Covid-19

Kim, A., Shrestha, S., Jaglowski, I., & Dunnings, A.


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Analyzing employment by occupation across sectors in Greek labor market

Karamanis, K., & Kolias, G.


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Re-examining the links between cultural values and innovation

Soloviov, V.


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Causations or payoffs? The interaction between countries’ economic results and competing proxies of social capital

Isayan, L., & Mayilyan, F.


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Central European version of Counterproductive Work Behavior Checklist (CWB-C PL)

Szostek, D.


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The relationship between income growth and inequality: Evidence from an Asian emerging economy

Tung, L. T., & Bentzen, J.


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Are economic majors “indoctrinated” by their education? Public good game quasi-experiment

Dzionek-Kozlowska, J., & Neneman, J.


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Market sophistication and metacognition of workers in collectivistic vs. individualistic countries

Brycz, M., & Brycz, H.


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The role of work values in the subjective quality-of-life of employees and self-employed adults

Vörös, Zs.


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Vol No: 15, Issue No. 3, Issue No. 3

Return to education in Azerbaijan. Does gender matter?

Ismayilov, I., Aliyev, K., & Bakirova, N.


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Migration and earnings in emigrant and immigrant countries - the case of Europe

Kersan-Škabić, I., & Blažević Burić, S.


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Offences and punishments in the workplace

Juhász, T., Kálmán, B., & Tóth, A.


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Satisfaction with COVID-19 measures and financial expectations in Turkey

Öksüz Narinç, N.


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Impact of gender and age on susceptibility to persuasion principles in advertisement

Spasova, L.


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Renewable energy technologies in households: Challenges and low carbon energy transition justice

Streimikiene, D.


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Ensuring sustainable human resource management during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Lithuanian catering organisations

Savanevičienė, A., Salickaitė-Žukauskienė, R., Šilingienė, V., & Bilan, S.


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A study on employee experience with shift work

Skýpalová, R., Šikýř, M., & Urban, R.


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Opportunities and threats of digital transformation of business models in SMEs

Straková, J., Talíř, M., & Váchal, J.


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Assessment of the evolution of the educational attainment in economically active population in the regions of the Slovak Republic

Masárová, J., Koišová, E., & Habánik, J.


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Vol No: 15, Issue No. 4, Issue No. 4

In the eye of the beholder? Gendered perception of CEOs’ ethical and unethical leadership

Kristinsson, K., Minelgaite, I., & Stangej, O.


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Demand forecasting: AI-based, statistical and hybrid models vs practice-based models - the case of SMEs and large enterprises

Kolková, A., & Ključnikov, A.


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How sustainable human resource management affects work engagement and perceived employability

Lulewicz-Sas, A., Kinowska, H., & Fryczyńska, M.


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Deliniation of metropolitan areas in Poland: A functional approach

Gawrońska-Nowak, B., Lis, P., & Zadorozhna, O.


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Entrepreneurship in university: A logit methodological evaluation in an emerging economy

Rodríguez Loor, R., & Muñoz-Fernández, G. A.


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Entrepreneurial competencies of university students

Ratković, T., Šlogar, H., & Šokčević, S.


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The early-stage entrepreneurial activity of women in individualistic versus collectivist country groups: Motives, drivers and inhibitors

Apostol, S.


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Social capital and spread of COVID-19 in Poland – do membership, trust, norms and values or shared narratives matter?

Markowska-Przybyła, U., & Grześkowiak, A.


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Working conditions of platform workers in new EU member states: Motives, working environment and legal regulations

Remeikienė, R., Gasparėnienė, L. & Lazutka, R.


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CEO monitoring and accounting record manipulation: Evidence from Slovak agriculture companies

Kliestik, T., Blazek, R., & Belas, J.


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Vol No: 14, Issue No. 1, Issue No. 1

Vol No: 14, Issue No. 2, Issue No. 2

A similar effect of volunteering and pensions on subjective wellbeing of elderly

Okulicz-Kozaryn, A., & Morawski, L.


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Taxes and the incentive to work under flat and progressive tax systems in Slovakia

Nadirov, O., Dehning, B., & Pavelkova, D.


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Savings behaviour of bottom income group: Is there any role for financial efficacy and risk preference?

Muhamad, S, Kusairi, S., & Zamri, N.


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Factors that affect quality of work life of the millennials linked to the commercial sector in Colombia

Martínez-Buelvas, L., Jaramillo-Naranjo, O., & De la Hoz-Dominguez, E.


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The impact of public governance on the economic growth: Evidence from gulf cooperation council countries

Al-Naser, M., & Hamdan, A.


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Integrative trust and innovation on financial performance in disruptive era

Oláh, J., Hidayat Y.A., Popp, J., Lakner, Z., & Kovács, S


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Major obstacles in innovative activities of family-owned SMEs: Evidence from Czechia

Civelek, M., Ključnikov, A., Fialova, V., Folvarčná, A., & Stoch, M.


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Consumption in Polish households - production function parameters and monetary value of non-market goods

Jankiewicz, J., Garsztka, P., & Jarosz, E.


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Vol No: 14, Issue No. 3, Issue No. 3

Does the COVID19 pandemic change the relationship between government expenditures and economic growth in Azerbaijan?

Abbasov, J., Gulaliyev, E., Ahmadov, F., & Mammadov, I.


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Sustainable economic development: The relation between economic growth and quality of life in V4 and Austria

Rajnoha, R., Lesníková, P., Vahančík, J.


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Country’s health profile: Social, economic, behavioral and healthcare determinants

Lyeonov, S., Bilan, S., Yarovenko, H., Ostasz, G., Kolotilina, O.


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The influence of migration on the labour market status in Western European countries

Al-Dalahmeh, M., & Dajnoki, K.


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The effect of relationship quality on contract farming: The mediating role of conflict between trading partners in Albania

Maloku, S., Çera, G., Poleshi, B., Lushi, I., & Metzker, Z.


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COVID-19 effects on frontline professionals: A psychological aspect

Remeikienė, R., & Bagdonas, A.


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Comparative analysis of cooperative & non-cooperative farmers in Kosovo

Muriqi, S., Baranyai, Z., & Fekete-Farkas, M.


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Entrepreneurial perceptions of students regarding business professional career: The study on gender differences in Latvia

Carvalho, L., Mavlutova, I., Lesinskis, K., & Dias, R.


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Multidimensional inequality in the European Union. The joint distribution of household income, wealth and consumption

Wroński, M.


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Can we have trust in host government? Self-esteem, work attitudes and prejudice of low-status expatriates living in China

Abbas, A., Sunguh, K. K., Arrona-Palacios, A., & Hosseini, S.


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Relationship between fiscal sustainability and efficiency: Evidence from large cities in Poland

Wojtowicz, K. & Hodzic, S.


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Perceived benefits of social media networks impact on competitive behavior of Indonesia SMEs: Food and beverage sector

Nurliza, N., & Oktoriana, S.


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Unhappy moves? Assessing the link between life (dis)satisfaction and intention to emigrate in Azerbaijan

Aliyev, K., Ismayilov, A., Gasimov, I., & Isayeva, A.


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Do gays and lesbians experience more frequent and longer unemployment?

Fric, K.


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The Youth Guarantee in Spain: A worrying situation after its implementation

Cabasés, M. A., & Úbeda, M.


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Economic culture of Local Action Group (LAG) communities from peripheral regions. Evidence from Poland

Guzal-Dec, D., & Zbucki, Ł.


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Do gender empowerment and democracy reduce poverty rate? A cross-provinces evidence from western Indonesia

Adnan, G., & Amri, K.


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Assessing the applicability of geographical indications from the social capital analysis perspective: Evidences from Albania

Kokthi, E., Guri, G. & Muco, E.


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Vol No: 14, Issue No. 4, Issue No. 4

How does childcare by grandparents affect the health of children in China?

Liu, H., Li, Y., Tisdell, C. A., & Wang, F.


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Internal corporate reputation in the ICT sector: A case study

Sánchez-Torné, I., Pérez-Suárez, M., Morán-Álvarez, J.C., & Pérez-López, J.A.


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Enriching the socio-economic inequality model by using alternative indices

Syahnur, S., Frohberg, K.K., Ryu, D., & Diantimala, Y.


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Barrier factors of supply chain management implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises: Evidence from Hungary and Indonesia

Setyaningsih, S., & Kelle, P.


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Beyond sustainability: Empirical evidence from OECD countries on the connection among natural resources, ESG performances, and economic development

Naomi, P., & Akbar, I.


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Entrepreneurial alertness and profitability of micro firms: The role of risk-taking

Vu, M. H. & Nwachukwu, C.


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The importance of social media for management of SMEs

Belás, J., Amoah, J., Dvorský, J., & Šuleř, P.


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Impacts and implications of a pandemic on tourism demand in Indonesia

Esquivias, M. A., Sugiharti, L., Rohmawati, H., & Sethi, N.


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Moving toward funded pension scheme: Pure economic argument due to population aging or responsibility abdication of governments?

Wolf, I., Levi, S., & Lopez del Rio, L.C. Y


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Territorial dimension of rural population wellbeing: Cases of Lithuania and Poland

Vaznonienė, G., & Wojewódzka-Wiewiórska, A.


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Factors effecting female startuppers in Hungary

Kézai, K.P., & Konczos Szombathelyi, M.


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Cultural inteligence and adjustemnt in the cultural diverse contexts: The role of satisfaction with life and intercultural competence

Jurásek, M., & Wawrosz, P.


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